Indoor Sport & Leisure – Re-opening on the 12th April? Are you Legionella complaint?
March 2021
Owners, operators & people in control of Sports & Leisure such as Gyms, Leisure Centres & Community Centres have a duty to protect people including staff & customers by identifying and controlling risks associated with legionella.
As your Gym, Leisure Centre or Community Centre was closed or had reduced occupancy during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, water system stagnation can occur due to lack of use, increasing the risks of Legionnaires’ disease.
The HSE state that you should review your legionella risk assessment and manage the legionella risks when you reinstate a water system or start using it again.
If the water system is still used regularly, you should maintain the appropriate measures to prevent legionella growth.
Areas you should consider prior to re-opening
Hot and cold water systems
If hot and cold-water outlets are used infrequently, flush them weekly to prevent water stagnation. If you cannot do this, the team at Qube can work with you to ensure systems are cleaned (if required) and disinfected before the building is occupied.
Spa pools and hot tubs
If spa pools and hot tubs at your self-catering accommodation are not being used, you should drain, clean and disinfect them. You should also clean and disinfect them before starting to use them.
The HSE state that you may need advice from a competent person and/or specialist to help you identify and implement suitable controls for legionella.
If you are unable to get specialist help during the coronavirus pandemic and if you’re unable to appoint someone with the appropriate authority and competence to oversee the risk controls of water systems, you MUST consider stopping operation of the systems.
Air conditioning units
If your workplace has been closed for an extended period and has air conditioning units that have a source of water that can generate aerosol, you will need to assess the risks of legionella being present within them before restarting.
Small wall or ceiling-mounted units with closed cooling systems should not present a risk.
Larger units may present a risk if they have improperly drained condensate trays, or humidifier or evaporative cooling sections where water can stagnate, becoming a reservoir for bacteria to grow.
When you review your risk assessment, decide what the risks are for your units and if you need to clean them safely, before they are turned on.
Swimming Pools
If you Gym, Leisure Centre or site has a swimming pool the Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group (PWTAG) have produced guidance on pool management during the (COVID-19) pandemic. https://tinyurl.com/3uzpaehc
Additional Information
It is important to bear in mind that this overview may not cover all aspects of Legionella Control for your water system at your site.
We would urge all businesses to obtain expert advice to ensure that their water systems are safe and compliant.
We can assist with Legionella Risk Assessments, Water Sampling & Tank Cleaning.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions. We are active members of the Legionella Control Association and we are ISO 9001 & ISO 14001 certified for the services we offer.
For more information, please contact our team:
01782 791 775 or hello@qube-uk.co.uk
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