Qube Environmental Legionella Experts are pledging to provide a free seminar for Care Home Owners following the £3m fine given to BUPA after a resident Kenneth Ibbetson 86, died from contracting Legionnaires’ disease a matter of weeks after moving into the Ipswich care home.
Speaking after the hearing, HSE principal inspector Vicky Fletcher said: “It is heart-breaking to think Kenneth contracted Legionnaires’ a matter of weeks after moving into the Hutton Village Care Home. His family have been left devastated by his sudden death. Mr Ibbetson and other residents were exposed to the risk of contracting Legionnaires’ disease because adequate controls were not in place. We would expect those who have a duty of care to understand this and have the necessary controls in place to manage the risk.”
This fine comes only a few weeks after The Sentinel reported that locally Legionella bacteria had been discovered at a Stoke elder care village West End Village, Stoke, and the attached offices of Staffordshire Housing Association.
Judith Richardson Qube Director said that “All organisations have a legal duty to seek expert advice to ensure that they control the risks arising from Legionnaires’ disease. Care providers like residential and nursing care homes must be especially vigilant and robust in terms of the systems they have in place as residents are more susceptible due to possible underlying health conditions.”
The Qube are campaigning for greater awareness of the risks relating to Legionnaires’ disease and particularly in the care environment.
Judith Richardson Director said “we have ran similar free seminars for other industry groups and have found them to be very well received. By proposing to offer a free seminar for the local Care Home Community we hope that we can highlight the risk of Legionnaires’ disease and help prevent a similar death occurring in Staffordshire”
Each year there are numerous Legionella outbreaks and they can result in serious illness and death. “Whilst ensuring public health is always the highest priority when dealing with an outbreak, Legionnaires’ Disease is also major risk to any business.”
Latest Government data shows 448 cases of potentially fatal Legionnaires’ Disease in 2017.
To register an interest in attending a free seminar please contact judith@qube-uk.co.k or telephone 01782 791775.
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