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Organisations, or self-employed individuals, who provide residential accommodation or who are responsible for the water system(s) in their premises, are responsible for ensuring that the risk of exposure to legionella in those premises is properly controlled. This means that they have a duty to assess the risk from exposure to legionella to their staff, residents, guests, tenants and customers by implementing appropriate control measures. This is especially important in residential buildings, where vulnerable people may be at risk, such as retirement flats, or where the accommodation is provided specifically for a group who may be susceptible to legionelloses.
Legionella & Asbestos Services

Legionella & Asbestos Services

Asbestos & Legionella Services April 2023See How Qube Have Provided Peace of Mind Since 2012Edgetech & Qube Environmental Partnership We can hardly believe that we began working together with Edgetech more than a decade ago. Beginning with our Asbestos...

5 Things You Should Know About Legionella

5 Things You Should Know About Legionella

Legionella Introductory Q&A January 2023Legionella is often popping up in the news, unfortunately by the time many people hear the word “Legionella” it is for the wrong reasons.You may have seen headlines hitting the news before where unfortunately a person or a...

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